Posts by
Quintus Curtius
Why You Should Embark On A Pilgrimage
Travel writings, like travelers themselves, come in different forms. Some travel books offer a dull, tour-guide type of narrative, lacking serious reflection or insight. Other writings provide something deeper: an… read more
The Life Of A Location Independent Traveler
For the next installment in my interview series, I decided to talk to someone whom I consider one of the most underappreciated voices in the community, Maverick Traveler. I’ve always… read more
“Art Of Manliness” Is Poisoning The Concept Of Masculinity With Disney Lifestyle Advice
I’ve perused the website Art of Manliness a few times in the past year. Something always vaguely turned me off about it, with its smug, woman-friendly, safe, feel-good presentation, and… read more
A Robbery And The Runaround In Rio
I first met Raf Kiss a couple years ago at a social event in Leme in Rio de Janeiro. I remember being very impressed with his personal story and his… read more
The Anguish Of The Manosphere
There is a lot of anguish in the manosphere. Anguish over the masculinization of women, anguish over the general unsuitability of American women as long term dating or marriage prospects,… read more
6 Underappreciated Horror Films
A good horror film is perhaps the most difficult type of film to make. For every truly exceptional horror movie, there are mountains of B-grade trash. Finding the wheat amidst… read more
The Leadership Secrets Of Ayatollah Khomeini
Influence matters in history. When we assess the relative importance of historical figures in the second half of the twentieth century, it is impossible not to notice the driving figure… read more
5 Reasons Why You Should Date A Nurse
A girl’s profession or job can say a lot about her. When you are casting about for dating prospects, we men need to be just as ruthless and mercenary as… read more
Tuthmosis Swallows The Sun
Isaac Asimov’s 1941 short story Nightfall is considered one of the best in the canon of modern science fiction. I have found it to be a useful parable in interpreting … read more
A Night In Lapa
He had just finished eating at Boteco do Beco, near the Naval Museum, which was his favorite place to eat in Centro. It was an old-school Rio place, serving traditional… read more
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