Posts by
Quintus Curtius
In The Gunsight Of The KGB
My exposure to the postings here at Return of Kings and some of the travel threads at the Roosh V Forum have generated in me some interest in things Russian. … read more
16 Ways To Spot A Cougar
Men chase the priapic mysteries. These mysteries fascinate us, and we crave the sensual delights that come from exploring their subtleties by frolicking on supple female flesh. It is part… read more
The Return Of A King
The daring exploits of John Paul Jones during the American Revolutionary War earned him international fame as America’s first great naval hero. A Scotsman by birth, he possessed all the… read more
Why Man Needs His Myths
Man cannot live by bread and woman alone. He also needs a myth to sustain him, to console him in his bereavements, to provide a code to anchor his life,… read more
Every Man Has A Breaking Point
Pressure reveals the man. Take a man, any man, and subject him to extreme stress. Subject him to sleep deprivation or fear, exhaustion, and the uncertainties of climate and personal… read more
Obesity Is A Bigger Threat Than Al-Qaeda
Morals and customs vary from culture to culture, and across historical periods. In a thousand ways through the ages, man has used a complex interplay of moral codes, religions, and… read more
Revisiting The Duke Rape Case
On March 13, 2006, a party was held at an off-campus house owned by Duke University. In attendance were members of Duke’s lacrosse team. Some of the players contacted an… read more
The Greatest Physician In History
Greatness is more often the result of years of incremental, patient labor than it is the sudden phosphorescence of a single incident. Gradually but persistently, like the drips of water… read more
How To Achieve Immortality Through Keen Observation
Nature has granted us extensive powers to observe, and to draw inferences from those observations. For most of us, observations are blithely made and discarded, in the hundreds upon hundreds… read more
Leadership Training For Men
There is a perception that “education” involves stuffing one’s head with facts and information. What passes for male education these days is a sad mockery of the word, for it… read more
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