Posts by
Quintus Curtius
Korean Woman Acquitted Of Defamation For Challenging History Of “Comfort Women”
Intellectual bravery can take many forms. Sometimes it manifests itself in the undertaking of a difficult, laborious work of scholarship. At other times it appears in the selection of some… read more
The Real Legacy Of Chile’s Augusto Pinochet
Recent incidents of leftist violence in the United States have caused some thoughtful commentators to consider the possibility of a return to 1970s-style leftist terrorism in the West. For most… read more
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s Syria Trip Causes Neocon Fits Of Hysteria
The neocon Syrian “regime change” fanatics are not going to go gently into that dark night, it seems. At least not without flinging a few last bits of bile through… read more
Thomas Paine: An Agitator And Revolutionary
One figure in early American history has the unique distinction of being a significant actor in both the American and French revolutions. Thomas Paine is not widely known today (or… read more
Why Congressional Representative John Lewis Should Be Disciplined
John Lewis, a Democratic member of Congress from Georgia, recently stirred controversy with some remarks about the alleged “illegitimacy” of the incoming Trump administration. He said the following to NBC’s… read more
How Old Dystopian Science Fiction Predicted Our Future
The BBC recently ran an article describing how the 1987 Arnold Schwarzenegger action film The Running Man contained many supposedly accurate predictions of a dystopian future. The article makes many… read more
Two Principles Of Management You May Not Have Considered
There are a great many principles of management and leadership, and no book has yet been written that encompasses them all. But it is still good to state—and restate—them when… read more
WhatsApp vs Telegram: Which Messaging App Is Better?
These days almost everyone who has a smart phone uses some sort of messaging service. It just comes with the territory. As I was reading some news reports this weekend,… read more
How John Harrison Solved The Explorer’s Problem Of Longitude
In our modern era we take for granted the ease of international travel. We give hardly a thought to the difficulties that our ancestors faced when trying to move from… read more
A French Writer’s Defense Of Religion As A Social Good
Before and during the French Revolution, the intellectual mood of Europe had favored the elevation of “reason” over faith and tradition. Philosophers, scientists, and intellectuals in the salons were united… read more
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