Posts by
Quintus Curtius
The Chain Of Fate That Brought Down The Chapeco Football Club
Some days ago on November 28 I received a text message on WhatsApp from a girl I’m very close to in Rio de Janeiro. Shortly after that we spoke directly… read more
How The Ruling Establishment De-legitimizes Dissenting Views
US State Department spokesman John Kirby recently got himself embroiled in a revealing exchange with a news correspondent from RT (Russia Today). As Kirby was performing his usual crocodile-tears act… read more
The Character Assassination Of Baseball Legend Ty Cobb
By now everyone has been reminded that the media is not infallible. It is composed of very fallible human beings who make mistakes with the same regularity as all the… read more
The Revolutionary Reforms Of Peter The Great
Peter the Great (1672-1725) was one of the pivotal figures of Russian history. His reforms were a product of his personality and his vision for what he wanted Russia to… read more
What François De La Rochefoucauld Has To Teach Us About Cynicism
Is there any merit in taking a cynical view of life? Are the observations of cynicism realistic, brave observations on human nature, freed from sentimentality, or are they only the… read more
How To Repair Strained Or Broken Relationships
A subject not often discussed is the topic of how to repair strained or broken relationships. It is one that comes up in everyone’s life, so it will be useful… read more
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Return Of Kings Has Turned Four Years Old
On October 16, 2012, Roosh V officially launched Return Of Kings. The original idea behind the site was to create an “online magazine” that offered content that could be found… read more
US Navy Has Surrendered To The Gender-Neutral Agenda By Abolishing Job Titles With “Man”
The US Navy overturned 241 years of tradition recently when it officially abolished all job titles for enlisted personnel. The decision has turned out to be extremely unpopular, and by… read more
The Crippling Effect Of The Zero-Defect Mentality
At first I couldn’t believe what I was reading. So I read it through one more time, just to make sure I wasn’t missing something. But I hadn’t missed anything. … read more
How One Of The Most Successful Armed Robberies In History Took Place
For a long time, the armed heist known as the Brink’s Holdup was the most successful robbery in United States history. It took place in Boston’s North End on 165… read more
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