Posts by
Quintus Curtius
Why Is Hillary Clinton Silent About Saudi Arabia’s Illegal Invasion Of Yemen?
President Obama’s stated public aspirations all seem to follow a predictable pattern. First he makes grandoise statements of principle, and asks that we hold ourselves to these high standards. Then… read more
The Power Of Conscience: Oliver Stone’s “Snowden”
The films of Oliver Stone have always been characterized by two features: moral passion and narrative power. His best work manages to balance these two qualities flawlessly. Salvador (1986), Wall… read more
The Elites Have One Rule For Themselves, And One Rule For The Rest Of Us
Regardless who wins the presidential election of 2016, it is certain that insider dealings and conflicts of interest (or, in plain English, corruption) will remain integral components of the Washington… read more
Why Measuring “Demand” Isn’t Paramount When Planning To Start Your Own Business
I was talking to a friend the other day about business. We covered a lot of different subjects, but the conversation mostly revolved around how people start businesses. I thought… read more
Interview With Maverick Traveler After His Sojourn In Southeast Asia And India
It has been a while, but I finally had a chance to catch up with James Maverick, the proprietor of the site Maverick Traveler. I’ve done interviews with him before… read more
3 Easy Ways To Eat And Cook With Bones
I love meat, and I love bones. And we should try to pair these two things together whenever we can. Professional chefs will tell you that the things always taste… read more
How Serbia’s Slobodan Milošević Was Framed By The West
This article originally appeared on Fortress of the Mind on August 9, 2016. Those of us who had some involvement in Bosnian peacekeeping efforts many years ago might be astonished… read more
Should There Be Laws Against Platform Businesses Like Airbnb, Fiverr, and Uber?
“Platform businesses” have been all the rage for years now. The general idea of a platform business is that it provides an opportunity for a buyer and a seller to… read more
Life Goes On, Even In The Worst Disasters
I received an email last week from a young man who has been worried about the headlines in the news. He was wondering where all the daily diet of disasters,… read more
Germany’s New Security White Paper: The Beginnings Of Change To Migration Policy?
Beyond the depressing headlines, there may—perhaps—be grounds for cautious optimism that the German establishment is waking up to the fact that they need to change their security doctrine. Angela Merkel’s… read more
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