Posts by
Quintus Curtius
The Slow Merging Of Government Disinformation, Propaganda, And Censorship
In May of this year, a bill was introduced in the US Congress called the “Countering Information Warfare Act (CIWA) of 2016.” It is currently pending in the Committee on… read more
How One Man Rejected Obesity Propaganda And Turned His Life Around
We read so many media stories about how we have to “accept” or “deal with” mediocrity, or even things worse than mediocrity. It has all become so routine as to… read more
10 Tips For Successfully Using Airbnb
The explosive growth of Airbnb has been impressive, to say the least. Like many “platform” businesses, it was initially created out of necessity. It all started in 2007, when two… read more
The Revealing Autobiography Of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) is by any reasonable measure one of the most influential figures in modern philosophy. His radical ideas profoundly influenced literature, education, philosophy, religion, public morals, art, manners,… read more
Even Misplaced Nationalism Can Be Good For A Country’s Morale
I much prefer to be in a country that has a strong sense of nationalism than one which does not. One tends to respect those who respect themselves. One also… read more
Why Does America Lack A “Warrior-Patriot” Ethic?
Columnist Andrew Bacevich recently wrote an article for the Dallas Morning New entitled “Why America’s All Volunteer Force Fails To Win Wars.” The article makes the point that something is… read more
Fortune Gives, And Fortune Takes Away
There is a quote of Michel Houellebecq that I like very much. “Anything can happen in life,” he once said, “especially nothing.” And this may be true. But sometimes, even… read more
How One Man’s Leap Of Intuition Led To A Life-Saving Discovery
Smallpox ranks among the world’s most terrible diseases. Over the centuries, it has killed or scarred hundreds of millions of people. It seems to have originated in the tropical zones… read more
Should Students Be Able To Successfully Sue Their Schools If They Don’t Find A Job After Graduation?
Several days ago I read with interest a story about a law school graduate who had sued her former school, the Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego, California…. read more
American Media Misleads The Public By Promoting Iceland’s Broken Family Model
A recent article on CNN’s site painted a rosy, rapturous picture of Iceland as a nation that has finally figured out a way to survive and prosper without marriage. The… read more
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