Posts by
Quintus Curtius
What Will Be Gawker’s Next Move After Being Ordered To Pay Hulk Hogan $115 Million?
As everyone knows, a Florida jury recently ruled in favor of retired wrestler Hulk Hogan in his invasion of privacy suit against Gawker Media. The verdict (involving a $115 million… read more
In The Crosshairs Of Our Masters: Do What They Say, Or Else
Make no mistake: the US elites (of both political parties) are deeply afraid. For the first time in decades, they feel they are sitting atop a powder keg. The economy… read more
How The Media Is Using Inquisition Tactics To Make You Paranoid And Miserable
The CNN website this Saturday carried a story entitled “10 Reasons Single Women Should Be Mad.” It is a familiar-themed piece of mass-media dreck, reciting the same tired litany of… read more
A Politically Incorrect Film That Offers A Ringside Seat To A Futile War
The Latin word sicarius means “assassin.” Probing more deeply, we note that its root is the noun sica, which means “dagger.” It is from this grim etymology that the modern… read more
Apple’s Refusal To Cooperate With A Valid Court Order Is Wrong
Readers may have heard of the recent battle between the FBI and Apple, Inc. over the issue of whether Apple may be compelled to allow law enforcement access to the… read more
How Theodore Roosevelt Almost Lost His Life On The Amazonian River Of Doubt
Theodore Roosevelt was unique among the occupants of the presidential office. Besides all of his achievements during his tenure as chief executive, he led a remarkable private life as well…. read more
How Propaganda Lies Are Used As Weapons
Recent news reports from the Korean peninsula claim that in January over one million propaganda leaflets were sent into South Korea by North Korea. The barrage of leaflets, all sent… read more
The Establishment’s Narrative Is In Shambles
The establishment narrative is breaking down. You can just feel it. The lies that were sustainable for decades are no longer sustainable. They are collapsing under the weight of their… read more
ROK Podcast: Culture War Analysis With ROK’s David Garrett Brown
Welcome back to the latest Return of Kings Podcast. In this episode, we bring you up to speed on some current stories, an interview with ROK writer David Garrett Brown,… read more
What We Can Learn From The Costly Failure Of Al Jazeera America
The cable news channel Al Jazeera was born in 1996 in the small principality of Qatar. It was nothing less than revolutionary for the world of Arabic media. It dared… read more
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