Posts by
Quintus Curtius
8 Ways You Can Win When Dealing With Difficult People
We all have to deal with difficult people. They may be co-workers, clients, friends, family members, or lovers. We can’t avoid contact with them. And with our narcissistic world being… read more
ROK Podcast: Interview With Roosh About The Year Ahead
We’re proud to bring you the second Return of Kings Podcast, recorded January 12, 2016. This episode features an all new interview with Roosh, as well as discussion of recent… read more
Finally, A Masculine Hollywood Movie That Won’t Make You Cringe
I’ve been disappointed so many times by mainstream Hollywood movies that in recent years I’ve come to expect very little. And this is what makes my viewing of Alejandro G…. read more
Return Of Kings Podcast #1 Is Now Here
Return of Kings has decided to add a regular podcast to its lineup of features. Hosted by myself, this will allow an entire new dimension to the ROK experience. In… read more
What We Must Learn From The Hungarian Communist Revolution Of 1919
Historians of twentieth century Europe, I have noticed, tend to gloss over or minimize the atrocities and crimes of leftists, anarchists, and communists. We hear constantly about the excesses of… read more
Why A Cashless Society Is A Bad Thing
It will probably come as no surprise to readers to learn that Sweden, that paradise on earth, is leading the way into another Elysium of social “freedom” and “equality.” You… read more
The Ethic Of The Surveillance State
On October 25, 2015, the BBC reported that the Chinese government was establishing a “social credit” system (called Sesame Credit) that would attempt to “rate” a citizen’s “trustworthiness.” While the… read more
Two Overlooked Noir Films That Are Worth Seeing
Think of good movies as being part of your education. That’s how I look at cinematic art. One of the joys of the cinematic experience is stumbling on some forgotten… read more
The Spartacist Revolt Shows Why Force Must Often Be Met With Force
Social justice warriors (SJWs) come in all shapes and sizes, but their methods and mentalities are similar enough to draw meaningful conclusions about such things if a long enough timeline… read more
The Genesis Of Dracula
Some novelists write a great deal, and develop their art to a level of superlative achievement. Then there are those rare few who write much less, or very little at… read more
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