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A New Hope: An Interview With The Founder Of 8chan
This past month or so has been crazy for people who are into the video game subculture. A woman who couldn’t practice monogamy unearthed a cabal of game industry people… read more
3 Types Of Women Who Refuse To Wear High Heels
Feminists have frequently touted that they shouldn’t be held to societal standards in things like fashion, hygiene, and even attitude. They’ve started campaigns for not grooming there hirsute bodies, neglecting… read more
4 Strategies For Teaching Game To Autistic Men
Many newcomers to the art of the game assume that only skinny beta males and obese agoraphobic nerds suffer the consequences of taking the blue pill, but these are merely… read more
A Guide For Getting Laid At Anime Conventions
Do you remember watching Dragon Ball Z as a young teenager? That is a scenario that many of us have gone through our youth. We would watch stylized cartoons from… read more
6 Types Of Stupid Tattoos That Girls Get
Men have been imprinting their bodies for decades. Cultures like the Pacific Islanders and even the Vikings have long respected a tradition of tattoos. These cultures would be shocked that… read more
5 Ways To Stop Omega Males From Becoming Transsexuals
There is a narcissistic delusional tidal wave sweeping the internet. Many confused men have decided to band together and start advocacy groups about “transforming” into “women.” Omega males, seeing the… read more
9 Signs That She’s Cheating On You
Relationships in modern America are suppose to be a one-course meal. As a man with the finest taste in women. I know I want at least one excellent course. Yet,… read more
How To Overcome A False Rape Accusation
The manosphere talks about a plethora of subjects. Yet, I see one topic avoided or not expanded on fully: the full scale effects of a false rape accusation. All the… read more
4 Types Of Bargain-Bin Pussy That You Should Avoid
Typical “modern” women all market themselves as a premium product, yet our insights from game inform us that their premium is simply a contrived label for which they expect to… read more
3 Ways To Fight Back Against The Feminist Tidal Wave
Today’s society is being saturated by feminist messages. We know the manosphere is doing its best to produce a revolution, yet we should be giving more guidance to men wanting… read more
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