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Pregnancy Is No Excuse To Be Fat And Gross
There’s an epidemic of land whales in first world countries bitching about post pregnancy bellies, blaming even their own children for being fat. I’m going to go over the math… read more
3 Ways Women Have Ruined Video Games
The video game industry and culture changed substantially when women started to get involved. Whenever a successful male industry is created, a biological urge to change it comes from those… read more
The Most Omega Place On The Internet
Imagine an omega loser that you went to high school with. He smelled like sour milk and piss, played with cards from some Japanese cartoon, and sweated whenever a woman… read more
8 Ways To Spot A Transsexual
There are many people trying to trick us in this day and age. This varies from bullshit health advice to the blue pill nature of most of modern society. There… read more
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