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Relampago Furioso
The Liberal Reign Of Terror Is Coming To An End
Liberals like to prance around like they’re large and in charge of modern American society. Since long before the long, hot summer of 2016 when they burned down cities, to… read more
America Has Become So Spirtually Dead That More People Than Ever Are Killing Themselves With Drugs
You know you’re living in a suicidal culture when more Americans now die annually from drug overdoses than died during the entirety of the Vietnam War. What’s more, another grim… read more
As It Becomes Clear That Donald Trump Cannot Save The West, Only One Outcome Becomes Inevitable
Donald Trump symbolizes the West’s outrage with a totally corrupt political structure that is rotting out society from within. There is little doubt among both the right and the left… read more
What Does The Globalist Establishment Have In Store For The Human Species?
Once a mighty wolf, canis familiaris now performs tricks and begs for his master only 10,000 years after selective breeding began. How many generations will it take to domesticate man… read more
Why White People Are Dying Off
White people are declining around the world. They’re watching their nations demographically transform before their very eyes and their political power evaporate. More white people are now dying than being… read more
5 Ways We Are Foolishly Trading Our Freedom For “Safety”
Ben Franklin said it best. Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. But socially engineered Americans have no idea… read more
In A Broken America, Only The Dishonorable Are Rewarded
John Edwards, the disgraced, slack-jawed lawyer turned Senator was fond of telling his populist “Two Americas” story before his life imploded with – you guessed it – another classically Anglo-American… read more
5 Myths In America That Cry Out For Realtalk
The more wisdom a thinking man gleans as he walks through this cosmic joke known as life, he begins to see lies everywhere. Lies and myths designed to make men… read more
4 Items On The Elite’s Population Control Wish List
As the designs of the New World Order become less fuzzy and come into focus with time, a frightening and uttterly anti-human array of agenda items appear. Those who wish… read more
The Tyranny Of Technological Control Is Becoming A Reality
There’s little doubt the ultimate goal of globalists is to roll out a Global Technological Control grid, in which everything and everybody is connected – and monitored – by a… read more
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