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Relampago Furioso
Why Modern Men Need To Develop A Passion For Living
I see them every time I go out. Men who look as though they’ve been defeated by life and who are just going through the motions. This is the case for… read more
4 Situations You’ll See On “Walking Street” In Pattaya, Thailand
I’m on the road for the month of March, and after driving all over the United States since January I decided it was time for some relaxation outside The Matrix…. read more
Why I Decided To Become A Big Rig Truck Driver
I may be the only Emmy-award winning newscaster who also holds a Class A Commercial Driver’s License and speaks Spanish fluently in the United States. Hot off big daddy government’s… read more
Is Genocide On The Elite Agenda?
Those blue-eyed devils. The world would be better off without them, right? One only need subject themselves to mainstream media for a few short minutes to see white people being… read more
Why Foreign Women Are Better Than Western Women
My article last week sparked a lively debate with its bold but personally well-researched claim that Western women have become the worst in the world, with some men defending their… read more
5 Ways Anglo Women Have Turned Themselves Into Sex Objects
The more globe hopping I do and the more time I spend in different parts of the world, the worse I feel for my American brethren, and the more I know… read more
Are We Witnessing The Downfall Of Scientific Authoritarianism?
It seems social engineers have studied human beings well, as a power mad elite attempt to mold us into androgynous pods (one of the latest pushes is the mass marketing… read more
What The Anti-Trump Feminist March On Washington Really Means
Anxious to show the deplorables they still have balls and still cling to bitter Penis Envy, feminists were out in force in Washington over the weekend with their Starbucks lattes in… read more
New Fox Series Promotes Infanticide As Abortion While Shilling For Planned Parenthood
Fox’s new series The Mick is pushing some old leftist ideology. The Mick just debuted as a so-called “comedy” that’s garnering mixed reviews, but it’s promotion of infanticide in one of the… read more
Will You Pay The Bill For The Coming Spinster Bubble?
Marriage rates have been plummeting since culturally suicidal feminism was unleashed like a plague on Western society. Women aren’t marrying, because in many cases they’re not worth putting up with… read more
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