Posts by

Robert Conti
6 Powerful Passages From Meditations By Marcus Aurelius
In the final decade of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius’ life he wrote a series of personal philosophies intended for himself; these would later be published as Meditations. Some are quotes,… read more
Life Lessons From Niccolò Machiavelli
The Prince, written by Niccolò Machiavelli, is a classic. And rightfully so, because even though it was written 500 years ago, it remains the bible of realpolitik. It was originally… read more
Are Carbohydrates Your Friend Or Foe?
Carbohydrates—the much maligned macronutrient of the 21st century. Are they really as bad as everyone has been saying? Well, yes and no. Demonizing an entire macronutrient is much easier than… read more
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