Posts by

Rod Berne
Why Are People So Polarized By Politics And Morality?
As the 2016 election moves forward, we are witnessing politics become increasingly polarized. On the Democrat side, Hillary Clinton continues struggling to solidify her status as the presumptive Democratic nominee… read more
How Abortion And Birth Control Destroyed Traditional Families
Over the last several decades, the number of children being raised in single parent homes has skyrocketed. While there is plenty of evidence to confirm that children are less likely… read more
Did Divorced Women Create A Generation Of Abused Children?
Today, divorce rates are at an all time high. With the advent of no-fault divorce in the 1970s, more and more marriages destabilized, leaving millions of children to fend for… read more
How To Influence People In The Modern Era
To Sell is Human by Dan Pink is a book about influence in the modern era. It combines interesting research with anecdotes about individual cases of people who have found… read more
Why American Society Has Decayed Since 1960
Famous political thinker Charles Murray is the author of Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010. Murray presents the case that in the U.S., there are two distinct cultures within white… read more
Is Circumcision Dangerous For Males?
Circumcision is a procedure done on men throughout the world. It is a controversial operation that some claim has many benefits with no downsides, while others claim circumcision is abusive… read more
4 Reasons Why Women Make False Rape Accusations
For young men today, the obstacles continue to increase for anyone who wants to enter a relationship. Attention whoring is at an all time high, women are addicted to their… read more
Why Muslim Men Become Terrorists
On March 22, 2016, the attacks in Brussels marked the fourth major terrorist attack witnessed in the Western world in just over a year. Once again, we are reminded by journalists, pundits,… read more
Why Ivy League College Liberals Hate Poor People
Why are affluent, college-educated people leftists? Many people have realized that one prominent aspect of the leftist agenda is the intentional destruction of the family. The foot soldiers for this agenda… read more
Yale Basketball Captain Denounced As “Rapist” By Campus Without Evidence
Recently, the media has been reporting that Yale basketball player Jack Montague has been accused of rape by various student organizations on campus. They have also reported that these students… read more
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