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Rordan Phobos
How To Develop Your Presence
Everyone remembers that moment they walked into the foyer, maybe in a hotel or a board room, and saw him. Boom. A man that had power. He exuded confidence and… read more
5 Ways To Change Your State Of Consciousness
I started running at 4:45 in the afternoon. It was about 120 degrees (49 C) outside. First came exhaustion from the heat. The dust from the desert floor covered me… read more
How To Create Your Own List Of Precepts
Ice Cube summed it up best, “You better check yourself before you wreck yourself.” Following my article entitled, “Why You Need To Set Your Precepts For A Productive Life,” many… read more
Why You Need To Set Your Precepts For A Productive Life
So you got fired, or maybe you landed a new job, and you went out for a drink. Three days later you come to in the Café Du Monde with… read more
Need Motivation? Learn To Meditate
So you squat 355 for sets of five, have flags in over a dozen countries and have your alpha vibe down pat. Yet, something is missing. You missed closing your… read more
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