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Rufus Winnfield
Facebook Added A Homosexual “Like” Button To The Glee Of Virtue Signalers
Facebook has rolled out a bunch of new things to help people celebrate Gay Pride Month this June. The most degenerate addition is a “pride reaction” which adds a little… read more
Trump Rolls Back Obama-Era “Trannies In The Bathroom” Madness
This past week, the Trump administration rolled back an Obama-era federal order at schools that directed them to allow transgender students to use whatever bathroom they pleased; the so-called “Trannies… read more
Immigrants Who Skipped Work To Support Immigration Became Upset When Subsequently Fired
In a move of solidarity, the left (those of them with employment, that is) decided to not work last Thursday in something called “A Day Without Immigrants.” Purportedly to make… read more
Lazy Fat Women Screech About Beauty Standards While Rejecting Men For Being Short
Women being fat and men being short are the biggest laments of the dating scene today, and, while they are falsely rated as equivalent (a man cannot become taller, but… read more
Is Feminism A Giant Shit Test?
As feminism erodes down to its tattooed, lesbian core, we should stop and take a moment to wonder what the point of the third wave part of feminism was. Although… read more
Donald Trump Is The Candidate For Americans, Not Special Interests
Next Tuesday is the American election, and, for better or for worse, we’ll pick the next President at that time (assuming we don’t get mired in voter fraud and recounts),… read more
4 Reasons Liberalism Is A Cult
The American Presidential election looms ever closer, with the liberal candidate Hillary Clinton seeming to still win the (rigged?) polls despite ever increasing scandals. I want to use today’s space… read more
Master Shitlord Takes Advantage Of University Policy Allowing Students To Register Any Gender Pronoun
In addition to the sun rising, us dying, and the inevitability of taxes, another thing that is certain is that SJW-inspired drama and general hassle will continue to worsen and… read more
How To Survive A Black Lives Matter Riot
As we move into the fall of 2016, violent confrontations between black men and police of varied ethnicities continue to occur and be televised on national news, inevitably followed by… read more
A Heterosexual Man’s Reaction To Seeing Leaked Nudes Of Leslie Jones
In another display of “hacktivism,” heretofore and currently anonymous hackers penetrated actress Leslie Jones’ cloud storage of what is presumably her personal phone and downloaded photos including some of an… read more
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