Posts by

Rufus Winnfield
What To Do If You’re Accused Of Sexual Harassment At Work
A man is beholden to the circles within which he moves. We are all obligated to obey the laws of our societies, and we are sometimes bound by additional rules… read more
Buzzfeed Writer Gets Naked At Nude Beach, Becomes Angry When Men Look At Her
In a stunning, but predictable, display of female hamstering, Loryn Brantz, illustrator at large and Buzzfeed columnist, decided that she wished to partake in full participation at a nude beach… read more
Women Refuse To Protect Themselves From Sexual Assaults
As the saying goes, come to a man for a solution to a problem; sympathy is what your girlfriends are for. One of the predictable responses from the narrative, whenever… read more
The Narrative Of A Shooting Can’t Be Formed Until The Media Knows All Races Involved
This appears to be the summer of violence. After Islamic fundamentalist slaying of homosexuals in Orlando, and two police killings of indeterminate justification of black men in two different states… read more
You’re Homophobic If You Don’t Accept The New Gay Abbreviation
As we begin to enter a post-politically correct apocalypse of social justice fascism, we can see that freedom of speech is dead. Ostensibly, you can still say whatever you want,… read more
Why You Should Never Help Women
One of the most false beliefs about being successful with women is the concept that, by helping them, you will earn their gratitude and be rewarded with sex. Along with… read more
Allowing Transsexuals To Pick Which Bathroom To Use Is Pure Madness
Transgender people, the latest of the trendy sexualities, have been pushing for accommodation of their ways recently, most noticeably in the use of public bathrooms. Usually at schools, and other… read more
Why Sexual Socialism In America Would Improve The Lives Of Men
A great disparity of wealth exists amongst the Western nations and it begs for resolution. A select few, through no direct doing of their own, possess greater wealth than all… read more
How To Deal With Incompetent Women In A Technical Job
In the United States (and probably other countries) most engineering and technical feats are accomplished by teams of engineers or programmers or designers all working together under management. It is… read more
How Human Resources Departments Are Ruining STEM Jobs For Men
Due to the infiltration of political correctness and diversity into most American job fields, it’s harder than ever for a man to get or hold a job. The last bastions… read more
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