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Ryan Ashville
The Steady Rise Of Homosexual Messages In Children’s And Adult Entertainment
On February 27, 2017, Disney’s XD channel made headlines for its first gay kiss in an episode of the children’s cartoon Star vs. the Forces of Evil. The Disney XD… read more
6 Examples Of How Disney Is Brainwashing Young Girls To Be Feminist Slaves
In 1937, the Walt Disney Studios released its first fully animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and pioneered a new form of family entertainment. Disney didn’t have a… read more
9 Things That Geek Feminism Ruined
From comics, movies, anime, gaming, and now the more recent kids shows, feminists will use any kind of tactic to promote their evil. Stories like Rapunzel or The Sleeping Beauty… read more
How Anime Is Programming Men To Be Weak And Submissive
Last year, I decided to stay over at an old friend’s apartment, who had been my roommate back in college. A couple of weeks of residing there, every time I… read more
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