Posts by
Seneca Stone
10 Reasons Why San Francisco’s Women Are Worse Than Toronto’s
For a while I have been wondering why ROK hasn’t written much about San Francisco and its women. Here are several major reasons why you can safely skip gaming in San… read more
Two Reasons First Impressions Aren’t As Important As You Think
We are told so often that people form initial impression of whoever they meet within the first few seconds. It’s been suggested that hiring managers decide whether they will hire… read more
3 Problems Where We Must Treat The Source And Not The Symptom
It’s easy to look at the surface of the major issues we see around us and deal with personally. However, it’s much harder, yet so much more effective, to look… read more
4 Compelling Reasons You Should Stop Comparing Yourself To Other Men
I live about a 15 minute walk from the headquarters of Mozilla, Twitter, Salesforce, Yelp, and Charles Schwab, among many others. The main campuses of Yahoo, Google, Apple, and Facebook… read more
Don’t Be A Boring Beta Male
Having talked to and observed many women of all kinds of ages, professions and walks of life, it became clear to me that one of the biggest turn-offs to them,… read more
People Don’t Know Shit
“It’s all one big conspiracy in the White House,” a cab driver exclaimed when we were talking about 9/11 on this year’s anniversary. I am pretty sure that he didn’t… read more
5 Big Lies You Have Been Hearing Your Whole Life
There are at least five big lies we have been hearing throughout our lives over and over that somehow evolved into being accepted as axiomatic truisms, when they are anything… read more
All Women Are Sheep
As much as you may be aware of the very powerful and widespread herd mentality among women, it might have even greater influence on women than we have been noticing… read more
In Defense of Superficiality
I love when girls call me superficial. This usually happens when I comment on how I couldn’t date someone who is overweight or otherwise unattractive. They probably expect me to correct myself,… read more
Does Your Marketing Strategy Suck?
Yesterday, I g0t an e-mail from a local credit card processing provider that has been trying to convince me to switch from using Square over to them. I made it very clear to… read more
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