Posts by
Seneca Stone
Is There A Way Back To How Things Were?
I have always been a big believer in evolution, adaptation and the general cyclical nature of things. I have been convinced of this by compelling forces of nature. Seasons change,… read more
How Will We Know When the Bigotry is Over?
It is a Christmas tradition in Netherlands to paint your face black and act like a black Santa. Generally, even the local blacks don’t take offense to that. They know… read more
5 Reasons Manhattan Doesn’t Suck
A lot of bashing of large cities and big city girls has been done on this site and its sister sites in the manosphere. Many points are painfully valid, with… read more
How Not To Mean What You Say
Have you noticed all the hypocrisy that surrounds us no matter where we turn? It seems that we have gotten used to having people say one thing but do the… read more
3 Reasons Fine Dining Sucks
“Fine” dining seems to be a huge industry these days, especially in major cities. It’s associated with culture, class, and sophistication. But is it all that it’s cracked it to… read more
Five Steps To Becoming More Productive
So many people talk about becoming more productive and reading books like 7 Habits of Highly Effective People yet so few do anything real about actually becoming more productive. Like home… read more
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