Posts by

Seth Rose
Pride Parades Are A Pathetic And Detrimental Attempt At Promoting Gay Rights
Historically, marches have served as a means for oppressed people to get their voices heard. For example, the marches Martin Luther King Jr. and his followers engaged in lead to… read more
Tattoos Are Not Artistic, Unique, Or Rebellious
Everywhere you look these days there is someone who has undergone some sort of body modification. Whether it be dying their hair green, getting a septum piercing, or a tattoo… read more
The Renaissance Of Modern Man
In 1454 Johann Gutenberg printed his Gutenberg Bible, using his recently invented printing press. In 1501 Michelangelo began sculpting his statue David. In 1513 Niccolo Machiavelli published The Prince. What… read more
Lessons From Nikolai Gogol’s Nevsky Prospect
The story begins with a dramatic description of the Nevsky Prospect in Petersburg: the hustle and bustle, the fanfare, the luxury, the raucous street vendors, and of course the women. Then,… read more
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