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Starting Young and Aiming High
How To Game Girls In Class
Any man who has ever gone to college has come across a situation where they’ve spotted a cute girl all by her lonesome at a class. Maybe you spotted her… read more
Interracial Dating for Indian Men
Thanks to the work of the Roosh V Forum’s Indian Race Troll, the subject of brown men and interracial dating has come under a lot of scrutiny. My fellow brown… read more
The Easiest Way To Seal The Deal
So you’ve gone on a date or two with a girl and you’ve been unable to bang her. Maybe one of you is underage or doesn’t have an ID so… read more
Facebook Is Hurting Your Game
As of 2013, one can safely assume that virtually every person in Western society that does not live under a rock has a Facebook account, and most of them (myself… read more
Underage Game: How To Party With A Real Fake ID
Time and time again underage guys bring up the topic of going to bars and clubs underage with a fake ID. In my opinion, getting a fake ID is a… read more
Gaming In School Is Not Enough
The single most important thing for guys learning game is to gain as much experience in cold approaching as possible. By far the best way for young guys to do… read more
Being Popular In School Is Overrated
Every time a college or high school aged young man asks for game tips there is always one piece of overused advice thrown about: the most important thing for young… read more
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