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Ted Deveer
The New York Times Gets It Right About Yoga Pants
One of ROK’s key opponents in the legacy media is the New York Times. The Times has been wrong on just about every subject since it’s founding. From repeatedly insisting during… read more
Who Was The First Man To Be Red Pilled?
Adam, the first man, was also the first blue pilled man to have been red pilled. To examine this hypothesis, lets re-read the very short story of Adam and Eve,… read more
Fact: Millennial Women Cheat More Than Millennial Men
The science is in, according to the gold standard of social science research, the General Social Survey: When it comes to cheating, you may not think it happens that often,… read more
Is The US Government Planning A Fake Alien Invasion?
As utterly insane as it sounds, it seems possible that the US Government is preparing to try to convince the world that there is an alien invasion about to happen,… read more
The Biggest Rape Hoax In History
Our revered spokesman Roosh recently Tweeted that Rolling Stone’s UVA rape hoax story was the “biggest rape hoax in the history of mankind.” "Dear sir, I'm writing an article for… read more
16 Important Lessons From The Opening Scene Of Idiocracy
When asked what your favorite movie scene is most thinking people choose a moment from a subtle classic like a Stanley Kubrick movie, a timeless great like Casablanca, or a… read more
9 Important Lessons From A Clockwork Orange
It’s a tough competition for which classic novel (or film) best predicted a future which maps closest to our own. Was it 1984, with governments inventing endless fake wars and… read more
8 Important Lessons From The Classic Novel Lolita
It’s easier to find advice for what not to do than what to do. This is true in general, but is overwhelmingly true of one of the greatest cautionary tales… read more
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