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Theodore Gumbril
Feminist Mental Health Czar Wants To Curtail Boys’ Access To Gyms In Britain
A woman named Natasha Devon has written a piece in the Daily Telegraph demanding that boys under 16 be banned from attending gyms alone, to prevent them from becoming too… read more
Transgender Activists Report Cross Dressing Charity Fun Run To Police As Hate Crime
A fun run organised by the Derian House Children’s Hospice, in which fathers dress in drag to raise money for sick and terminally ill children, has been reported as a… read more
Is Spiked Online Editor Luke Gittos A Sexual Cuckservative?
Luke Gittos, the editor of the law section of the establishment-left publication Spiked Online, has penned a short piece attacking Roosh Valizadeh. The piece is also a broadside against what… read more
Labour’s Candidate For London Mayor Pledges To Ban “Sexist” Ads On Tube
Tessa Jowell, long-serving MP and Labour candidate for Mayor of London, has promised that she will ban “sexist” adverts on the London tube if she is elected. Jowell’s vacuous promise… read more
Deranged Indian Feminist Runs London Marathon With Period Blood Running Down Her Leg
A particularly vile attention-seeking Feminist has been making headlines after she ran the London Marathon with period blood running down her leg. Kiran Gandhi, Harvard MBA student and former drummer… read more
London Journalist Rosamund Urwin Reveals Her Misogyny In Puff-Piece About Boxing
Rosamund Urwin, uninspiring churnalist plying her dubious trade at London’s neo-liberal rag-par-excellence The Evening Standard, has penned a vapid paean to the joys of boxing for women. Or rather, that’s… read more
Lesbian Chief Constable Forces Bearded British Cops To Wear Beard Nets
The openly lesbian Chief Constable of Gloucestershire Constabulary, a British police force, has foisted draconian new rules on male officers with beards. The force’s new uniform rules will force officers to either… read more
BBC’s Charter Comes Under Review, Shills Come Out Of The Woodwork To Defend It
David Cameron’s Conservatives are to undertake a fundamental “root and branch” review of the BBC. A consultation paper released last week will set out the issues to be addressed in… read more
Race-Baiting British Marxist Attacks Little Girl’s Design Of Regional Flag As Racist
A self-exalted “racism campaigner” has attacked a 12-year-old girl’s design of the flag of the Black Country, a region in the West Midlands of England. Patrick Vernon, who, like the… read more
Woman Demands £7 Million For Feelings Hurt While Working At London Bank
Just days after David Garrett published his report on Hannah Bouveng, the Wall Street intern who pocketed an obscene $18 million in punitive damages for sexual harassment, English papers publish… read more
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