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Theodore Gumbril
British Woman Allegedly Consents To Rough Sex, Calls Cops When It Gets Too Rough
A British woman has had a man convicted of assault after engaging in what appears to be consensually rough sex with him, after it got allegedly too rough for her tastes…. read more
British Gender Huckster Receives Top Royal Honour For Complaining About Inequality
The abasement of standards in British public life has reached a new low, after Caroline Criado-Perez, a shrill, feminist tubthumper of no discerning talent other than screeching and wailing online,… read more
In Defence Of The London Ultra-Orthodox Jews Who Banned Women From Driving
The scandal emerged a fortnight ago that the Belz Hasidim, an Ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect with heavy numbers in London’s Stamford Hill, had banned all female members of the community from driving motor… read more
Special Snowflake Lashes Out At Oxford University For Not Accommodating Her Made-Up Disabilities
A student at Oxford University quit her Politics, Philosophy and Economics degree after administrators at the elite British university dismissed her pleas for special treatment at exam time on account… read more
British Rotherham Investigator Gets Obscence Payoff For Doing Nothing, Then Plays The Victim Card
Sue Berelowitz, glorified pen-pusher employed by the UK Government to construct a report on widespread child sexual abuse in Rotherham and other English boroughs, has recently received an obscene amount… read more
Legal Action Fails To Install Sexual Assault Kangaroo Courts In UK Universities…For Now
A former student who sued Oxford University over its sexual assault complaints investigation policy has had her case thrown out by England’s High Court. Elizabeth Ramey was refused the right… read more
Conservatives Win UK General Election, Causing Laurie Penny And Other Leftists To Lose Their Minds
Britain’s Conservative Party won Thursday’s UK General Election, taking a majority of 331 out of 650 seats in the House of Commons, the elected lower house of Britain’s Parliament. The… read more
29-Year-Old Feminist Demands Government Money For Her Own Sterilization
A British feminist has been whining to high heaven because doctors on the NHS are unwilling to sterilise her on the taxpayer’s dime. Holly Brockwell, 29 (pictured), is now complaining to every… read more
Diversity Officer At London Uni Bans Whites And Men From “Anti-Racist” Event
An elected diversity officer at London’s liberal-infested Goldsmiths University has caused consternation by banning men and whites from a campus meeting. Bahar Mustafa, 27, properly titled “Welfare and Diversity Officer,”… read more
UK Feminists Shut Down Sussex Police Efforts To Prevent Rape
Feminists and their fellow-travellers in the British media have successfully shut down an initiative by Sussex Police to prevent rape. The poster campaign, intended to educate women about the risk… read more
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