Posts by

Theodore Gumbril
Was Jeremy Clarkson A Casualty Of The Cultural Marxist Coup At The BBC?
Until recently, Jeremy Clarkson was the chain-smoking, hard-drinking presenter of Top Gear, the BBC motoring show with a global cult following. Clarkson has made his name as a boorish, outspoken alpha… read more
UK Feminists Ban Clapping At Conference Because It Triggers Anxiety
At a National Union of Students (NUS) Women’s conference in London this week, delegates were asked to refrain from applauding and use “jazz hands” instead. The request, which appeared on… read more
Male Spaces Are Under Attack (Again) At London’s Garrick Club
The battle over the status of London’s Garrick Club as a men-only establishment is flaring up again, as a new motion to admit women is tabled for a July vote…. read more
UCKG Church Affiliate Tells Women “Blue-Ball English Men Until They Marry You”
The UK chapter of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (“UCKG”), a controversial Christian sect based on Prosperity Theology, is using its house organ, Universal, to encourage women… read more
4 Signs That Show The Degeneracy Of London’s Women
London is the eye of the degenerative cultural storm enveloping Western nations at an alarming pace. Its large and youthful population, and especially Anglosphere females, are craven followers of any… read more
The Russian Opposition Leader’s Girlfriend vs. The British Opposition Leader’s Wife
The wild west of Russian politics This week the Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov was shot four times by gunmen at the Vasilyevsky Spusk bridge leading to Red Square, home the Kremlin…. read more
UK Government Funds Feminist Agitprop With “This Girl Can” Campaign
The latest arm of the UK government to fall under the feminist spell is Sport England, a quasi non-Governmental Organisation (“Quango”) funded by the Treasury and National Lottery and tasked… read more
UK Feminists Attack Barrister Because Of His Warnings About Rape Hysteria
A veteran of the English Criminal Bar was trashed in the UK press over a blog post he wrote about consent and rape. David Osborne, who has been practicing law since 1974, warned that recent… read more
The Rape Card Now Trumps The Legal System In The UK
On Wednesday, the chief prosecutor of England and Wales, Alison Saunders, released Orwellian-sounding “toolkits” to prosecutors in rape cases. Rather than distributing a pair of pliers for pulling out the… read more
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