Posts by

Thomas Andersson
Why Feminists Want To Destroy Gaming
In recent decades, gaming has been one of the few areas of mass entertainment where creative freedom was not subject to the politically correct whims of the day. But in… read more
How Women Killed Facebook
A sad fact of all decent nightclubs is that one day you will step inside and discover that the thin, sexy and classy women you once danced with have been… read more
Always Take Photos of Fat Women
Fat girls love taking photos of themselves. When their make-up is perfectly applied, the lighting perfectly aligned and their Spanx straight-jacket concealing the vast lunar craters dotting their thighs, a… read more
How To Control Your Woman’s Diet
She gave me a look I had only witnessed once previously, upon instructing my childhood puppy to cease the consumption of its own excrement. I had just informed my 20-year-old… read more
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