Posts by
Thomas More
The Manipulated Man: A Holy Bible Of Red Pill Wisdom
For anyone who is familiar with great literature from the Manosphere, the following book and author needs no introduction. Nonetheless, I am going to try: Who is Esther Vilar? Esther… read more
The Masculinity And Art Of Jackson Pollock
Jackson Pollock. Maybe you’ve heard the name, but are unfamiliar who he was. Born on January 28, 1912, Paul Jackson Pollock was a well known American painter and a major figure… read more
How Should Men Deal With Today’s American Police?
What exactly are our rights when dealing with the police? I have to be honest here and say I as well as many others are highly suspicious of their nature…. read more
The Verse Of The Lizard King: An Analysis Of Jim Morrison’s Work
Most have heard of the legendary musical group The Doors and their lead singer/front man Jim Morrison, who tragically died in Paris in 1971. What many do not remember is… read more
5 Things I Noticed After Coming Back To The States
Gentlemen, having been out of the States since 2004, I’m back for a bit and would like to share a few of my observations and experiences in the field. 1. American… read more
Print A Gun Using Your 3D Printer
Gentlemen, I wanted to share the above broadcast on a relatively new technology. Â The interview is by Glenn Beck of Cody Wilson who has developed a means whereby one can… read more
The Manosphere Needs A Communication Alternative
Pictured above is a classic photo of taken from the office of the U.S. Defense Communications Agency (1960â1991), which has now become The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). This organization has numerous… read more
It’s Just A Little Chip
Back in the mid 1980s I was at a party one summer evening, on break from college. The beer was good, and a few friends that I attended high school… read more
The Matrix Is Getting Pissed
Admittedly the YouTube spoofs of the 2004 movie “Der Untergang” have become all too annoyingly frequent. Nonetheless the above clip is short, funny, yet sadly enough echoes the same dialog… read more
Misandry Is Real
The English word misandry as defined as “The hatred of men.”  It´s that simple. Yet if you use this word in writing you will find that it does not exist… read more
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