Posts by

Troy Francis
Use The “One Strike” Rule To Improve Your Dating Life
When you are interacting with women, and in particular with a new woman who you’ve just met, you must think carefully, decide how much you are willing to put up with,… read more
Why You Must Avoid Flaky “Holly Golightly” Girls At All Costs
Guys first getting into game can be forgiven for chasing anything in a skirt. Not only does sexual frustration make this a necessity, but it’s also a pretty good strategy…. read more
How To Game A Hot French Girl
It was after eleven at night, and I was heading home. I was tired. I had been out in London with friends since early afternoon, and I’d approached a number… read more
To Pull Hot Girls You Must Make Every Interaction Physical
Game, like any other discipline, is all about pushing your boundaries. You must never reach a comfort zone. If you do, then you are not hitting your full potential, and you… read more
5 Ways Porn Might Not Be Bad For Your Game
There is a tendency in manosphere and game circles to regard pornography as a uniformly bad thing. Watching it saps time, energy, and the motivation to go and hit on… read more
Girls Are Fundamentally Lazy
I have been thinking a lot recently about what it takes to “live the life” – the life, that is, of a guy committed to meeting and seducing a succession… read more
What To Do On A Date To Maximize Your Chances Of Closing
In an age of Tinder hook-ups, fast sex, and general slutty behavior, the notion of a date may appear old-fashioned, almost quaint. Perhaps that’s to do with the word itself,… read more
8 Traits That Every Successful Man Has
Over the years I have had the opportunity to hang out with and become friends with a number of very successful men. They include writers and other artists, people who’ve… read more
How To Get Over That “One Special Girl”
Understand this: really grasping the concept of abundance is fundamental to success with women. When I did so my results skyrocketed – and that will happen for you, too. The… read more
Two Common Objections To Game
Writing regularly for Return of Kings, I notice two objections to game that come up frequently in the comments section. I thought it would be useful to discuss them both… read more
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