Posts by

Troy Francis
How To Combat Fear Of Rejection With Positive Self-Interest
Several readers have asked me recently how best to deal with fear of rejection. As we know, this is an issue when it comes to meeting women, but it also… read more
Happy Birthday Jay Z, Red Pill Rapper
It is a familiar trope in the manosphere that rappers are “red pill,” but this is rarely explored in any detail. Today, December 4th 2014, is Jay Z’s forty-fifth birthday,… read more
Why Completion Is Better Than Sex
There is nothing greater than the feeling of completion – of having worked on a demanding project that is important to you for a long period, and then bringing it… read more
3 Things I Learned At Improv Class
Here at ROK we frequently say that you should constantly be working on ways to improve yourself. To that end, I recently enrolled in a beginners improv course to see… read more
Has Russell Brand Lost The Message?
Russell Brand is currently on the receiving end of a lot of flak in the UK media. This is more-or-less unprecedented. A few haters aside, Brand has been largely untouchable… read more
Why Men Should Call Out Cockblocks More Often
I recently went to a nightclub where I spent much of the evening interacting with women, having fun and hoping to find a hook-up. Nothing particularly unusual there, you might… read more
Portrait Of A Modern Career Woman
Yesterday a colleague of mine, Ariana, left our company for a new job in Australia. Ariana is twenty-nine: this is not insignificant. Ariana is attractive – or rather, she retains… read more
8 Tips For Getting Laid More By Developing Your Sexual Presence
Learning game is rather like learning a musical instrument. Technique can be taught – body language, what to say, and how to lead. Core “talent” – which in this case… read more
Woody Allen’s Red Pill Masterpiece “Crimes And Misdemeanors” Is 25 Years Old
Woody Allen’s Crimes and Misdemeanors was released twenty-five years ago this week. Not only is it arguably his most artistically accomplished work, but it also dramatizes a red pill view… read more
How To Get More Sex With Alpha Douchebag Club Game
A problem for many guys who come to manosphere and game sites to learn about getting good with women is that they are naturally nice, or at least they are… read more
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