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Troy Francis
The Woman Who Posted Her Husband’s ‘Sex Spreadsheet’ Online Did Men Everywhere A Favour
A woman has posted a spreadsheet on Reddit sent to her by her husband detailing her excuses for rejecting him for sex. Compiled over a month, the excuses range from… read more
Cheryl Cole’s Whirlwind Marriage Proves A Man’s Game Beats Money And Looks
The British media has this week been buzzing with speculation over the recent and unexpected wedding in Mustique between pop star and X-Factor judge Cheryl Cole and French playboy Jean-Bernard Fernandez-Versini…. read more
Entitled Journalist Writes Article Criticizing Men For Their ‘Top 10 Dating Mistakes’
It seems that not a week goes by without another ’empowered’ feminist writing an article for a mainstream media outlet describing a marathon series of dates she’s been on in… read more
Why Is The Huffington Post’s Robin Korth Shaming Natural Male Desire?
Self-professed ‘renegade, outlaw . . . [and] international speaker, writer and businesswoman’ Robin Korth has written a blog for the Huffington Post called My ‘Naked’ Truth (12th July). The piece… read more
The Most Important Trait That Leads To Male Success
Whether your aim is to get laid, get fit or start your own business, the single most important trait you should strive to develop is consistency. Not only is consistency the… read more
How To Get Laid In Ibiza
Summer is here and all over Europe, Russia, Australia and America. Beautiful girls at the peak of their their own summers of sexual attractiveness are packing tiny bikinis, cut-off denim… read more
Why It’s Important To Develop An Insane Degree Of Self-Love
Too many men walk around thinking that the women they desire are superior to them. In the unlikely event one of them accepts him for sex or a relationship, he… read more
What To Do When You’re Caught Cheating
The line on cheating girls is pretty firm around these parts. If she does the dirty on you then she’s done. Period. There can be no going back. Once she… read more
8 Tips For Getting Laid At Work
The modern corporate world is a difficult space to negotiate. What with ever-increasing constraints on personal freedoms through draconian HR laws, it’s surprising that anyone stays employed for more than… read more
What Plato’s Allegory Of The Cave Teaches Men
Plato’s Allegory of the Cave appears in a section of the Republic called ‘The Supremacy of Good’ where he stresses the importance of goodness as a universal goal. The allegory… read more
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