Posts by
Tuthmosis Sonofra
Don’t Work For A Female Boss
My worst experiences in the professional world all share one thing in common: I reported to a female boss. Talk to most guys (and, frankly, normal women) and they will… read more
24 Signs She’s A Slut
The other night I met up with a girl I’d met online. Despite having a stripped-down profile that revealed very little about her sexual appetites, I went in optimistic about… read more
Debating The Mighty 1-to-10 Scale
Few subjects inspire more spirited debate between men than the 1-to-10 scaleâthe go-to metric for rating a girlâs viability as a sexual partner or arm candy. Iâve literally stayed up… read more
All Girls Are Cheapskates
The other day, I came home from the gym to a flashing light on my cell phone. When I read the text message that had prompted the alert, I saw… read more
Dictionary Of American Girlspeak, Volume II
We pick up our lessons in the complex argot of the American woman where we left off last time. Audrey Hepburn 1. Celebrated British actress whose iconic performances in a… read more
The Most Masculine Oldies Music
Chances are youâre already familiar with the classic above, âWalk Like a Manâ by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Besides being an absolute gem of 1960s rock, it contains… read more
Helping Friends Who Have No Game Is A Bad Idea
One of the natural effects of having or developing advanced game is an impulse to help your close friends who arenât quite as fortunate as you. Seeing a friend paralyzed… read more
Rape Jokes About Men Are Okay
One of the incontrovertible pieces of evidence that feminists present for the existence of so-called rape cultureâthat is, a social environment that excuses or even encourages sexual violence toward womenâis… read more
The Lakers Resort to Beta Supplication
Say what you will about the Los Angeles Lakers, thereâs no denying that theyâre one of the great American sports franchises, with a storied past and a long tradition of… read more
Photograph Yourself In Your Prime
When I was still a teenager, I dated a girl whose family friends included the lead singer of a famous soul-music band from the 1970s. The guy, who we’ll call… read more
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