Posts by
Tuthmosis Sonofra
Dictionary Of American Girlspeak, Volume I
American Girlspeak, though seemingly intelligible, is actually quite different from the language men like you and I use. While ours is a relatively straight-forward and functional lexicon, theirs is one… read more
You-Go-Girlism Is More Toxic Than Feminism
The contradictions and deleterious effects of feminism are well documentedânot just in the manosphere but beyond. What the growing backlash against feminism fails to acknowledge are seemingly trivial and ancillary… read more
The Price Of The Taking The Red Pill
Iâve kept a journal for almost ten years. Unlike a girlâs journalâwhich tends to ramble on about how she was feeling at a particular momentâmine is primarily a factual, narrative… read more
5 Bachelor Kitchen Essentials
Whether you live by yourself in baller crib, or with six other dudes in a shithole apartment in the ghetto, a decent working-kitchenâand some basic culinary skills to go with… read more
A Final Blow To American Education
Through a strange accident of timing, I was mostly educated by a generation of old-guard teachers on the verge of retirement. Starting in about the eighth grade, it seemed like… read more
The Advantage Of Being A Late-Bloomer
The other day I made the mistake of going on my fake Facebook account and looking up some people I went to high school with. I put on a playlist… read more
The 15 Magical Years of Womanhood
One of the bigger problems plaguing todayâs woman is that sheâs lost touch with one of her most powerful evolutionary advantagesâa well-calibrated internal clock. Remnants of this ancient gift are… read more
Life Lessons From A Dog
Back before I knew any better, I got myself into a serious long-term relationship with a dysfunctional girl who was so fucked up she probably deserves an article of her… read more
The 10 Most Overrated Female Celebrities
Iâve always said that the hottest girls in the world arenât famous. Most men who have been around, Iâd venture to guess, would agree. Yet, that doesn’t stop both menâs… read more
“Liberals” Are Not The Enemy
Itâs difficult to deny that thereâs a strong conservative leaning to the manosphere. This ranges from anti-state, laissez-faire, libertarian types on the one hand, to a much uglier streak of… read more
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