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Vic Lenser
The 4 Cardinal Virtues Of The True Womanhood Cult
As part of the required reading in literature courses throughout many liberal arts colleges, Barbara Welter’s 1966 essay “The Cult of True Womanhood: 1820-1860” has become a staple academic source… read more
5 Tips For Hiring A Language Tutor
You have decided to learn another language. You are ready to take the process seriously, and you resolve to stay devoted, despite the difficulty of the task before you. Perhaps,… read more
The Number One Rule For Learning A Foreign Language
Here at Return of Kings, the topic of learning a language has been a component of many interesting stories, as well as the focus of numerous articles. In particular, the… read more
How Not To Deal With High School Bullies
In one of the ten largest school districts in the State of Texas, a particular document has been circulating through the email space of public education: “Ten Cost Effective Strategies for… read more
My Adventures From Working As A Cook
In response to the recent call to ROK readers to produce positive articles on self-improvement, there have been some excellent entries of late. I had to cringe, however, at the… read more
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