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Vincent Law
A New Kind Of Propaganda For The Culture War
From Russia, with love: This has gone viral recently, and its easy to see why. It is refreshingly novel. If it is propaganda, then it is a new kind of… read more
A Short History On The Masculinity Of Fighting
Ever wonder where the great legal tradition of the West came from? Lots of reasons for it. But one of the main drivers of the use of lawyers and courts… read more
What Type Of Guy Gets Falsely Accused of Rape?
Most of you by now know about the rape culture campaign that has reached fever pitch around the nation. Even Michelle Obama and some other B-list celebrities got in on… read more
Solzhenitsyn’s Warning About Communism Applies To Today’s Culture War
I’d like to share a quote from Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the famous Russian dissident author who emigrated to the United States during the height of the Cold War. Solzhenitsyn wrote about… read more
I Was Mugged And My White Privilege Was to Blame
If you haven’t heard of this story, I present it to you with little fanfare. I highly recommend reading the original article, and even subscribing to the Hoya if you… read more
Julian’s Empty Temples Mirror The State Of Modern Conservatism
From 361 to 363 AD, Rome was ruled by emperor Julian. If you know your Roman history, at the time, Rome had already converted to Christianity with the previous emperor… read more
College Showed Me The Cultish Nature Of Feminized Christianity
Coming to college, upon the recommendation of a blue-pilled beta friend, I joined an organization called Chi Alpha. They were the real deal: crying and shaking, guitar-strumming, tambourine-banging, born again… read more
Herbert Marcuse’s “Eros And Civilization” Helped Jumpstart The Blue Pill In America
If ever there was a writer that took up the cause of cultural Marxism and brought it to the forefront of popular culture it was Herbert Marcuse and his groundbreaking… read more
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