Posts by

Waldemar Pabst
5 Signs Of The West’s Forthcoming Dark Age
When people are asked what the future will be like, they often respond with descriptions of shimmering mile-high skyscrapers, flying cars, and sentient robots. People almost always envision a future… read more
An Ode To The Millennial Generation
Generations are typically defined as those born during a certain time span and usually sharing certain common experiences, values, and aspirations. Historically, generations have been binned into 18 year intervals:… read more
A New Red Pill Comedy You Have To See To Believe
This is intended as a public service announcement of sorts. There is a new red pill sketch comedy that readers would do well to check out. Million Dollar Extreme Presents:… read more
Why There Will Be No Radical Life Extension, End Of Aging, Or Immortality
Despite the recurring assurances of futurists and scientists that humanity is on the threshold of conquering death and bringing about an end to aging, there will be no such radical… read more
5 Things That Will Not Happen In The Future
Anticipating what will not happen in the future is just as important as attempting to predict what will happen. Here then are five things the future will not bring. 1…. read more
5 Predictions For Our Dystopian Future
As much as I would like to be optimistic that the current social order will soon crumble and give way to a return to patriarchy, traditionalism, and masculine virtues, I… read more
4 Additional Insights From A Decade In Higher Learning
This is a follow-up to my first article in which I shared observations and wisdom from 10 years in higher education. What I have learned from academia is transferable to… read more
What Will Be The Next Great American Perversion?
We’ve witnessed how the gay agenda was successfully pushed over the past 10 years by the Left. The gay lifestyle has been mainstreamed and popularized in the media. Gay marriage… read more
5 Insights From A Decade In Higher Learning
I am 28 years old. I have spent the past 10 years – my entire adult life – in academia. I have a Bachelor’s degree from a large state university… read more
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