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Western Cancer
Is The Pursuit of Truth A Mask For Negativity?
Love and hate are the strongest emotions a human can feel. Covering a wide spectrum of intensity these two emotions can account for some of the most important decisions one… read more
Why Women Shouldn’t Be Encouraged To Attend University
In our age of progressiveness and modernity the pinnacle of open mindedness is seen as a fancy piece of paper saying one is educated. A degree has become just a… read more
Mike Tyson Speaks The Undisputed Truth
“I am the best ever, I am the most brutal and the most vicious and most ruthless champion there has ever been, there is no one that could stop me…. read more
Women Don’t Owe You Anything
Flawless olive skin and mossy green eyes. She’s just my type. I sip my scotch and as we trade glances I know its on with this girl. Fifteen minutes later… read more
Why You Should Start Smoking
The G Manifesto has said it for years: smoking is near the top of the list of what a man can do to improve his game. We may have been… read more
Video Games Are Limiting Men’s Potential
I made a thread over at the RVF a while back giving Canadians a heads up that Future Shop had a promotion that essentially meant free video games. I’m not… read more
The Movie That Understands The Ongoing Attack Against Testosterone
My first introduction to the Belgian film Bullhead was through NexxtLevelUp. I read Virgle Kent’s review of the movie nearly a year ago, yet the title remained in my ‘to… read more
5 Things I Learned About Women This Week
As some of you may have noticed, connectivity to Return of Kings this week was spotty, and comment sections were full of vitriol. This was due to Tuthmosis’ article “5… read more
Life Was Never Better
Another hundred years were ground up and churned, and what had happened was all muddied by the way folks wanted it to be — more rich and meaningful the farther… read more
It’s All Your Fault
It’s your fault you dread your 9 to 5, your asshole boss, and the cattiness of human resources. It’s your fault you drink every weekend as a salve for the… read more
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