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Western Cancer
Fat Single Mothers Are Child Abusers
It is known that single mothers are a virus which cause many of the societal ills plaguing Western culture. They leech off hard working men with the assistance of the… read more
Generation Y Bother
Everybody wants a quick fix, a magic pill, 5 easy steps, or a 30 second trick to change their lives forever. Even here at Return of Kings many of the… read more
Letter To My College Freshman Self
So you’ve been on campus for a few weeks. You’re in awe of all the young, beautiful women. You’re overwhelmed by the constant stream of information and entertainment. You’ve attended… read more
Life Happens Once You Unplug
Newton’s first law of of motion states that an object in motion will stay in motion, unless acted on by an outside force. During childhood our imagination is at its… read more
Western Culture Is Dead
Western culture is dead. It is a poison in the slow drip IV attached to us from birth. We have all the comforts we could ever ask for; what else… read more
Worked To Death
There is no room for passion in the routinized settings which provide us with security in modern social life. Yet who can live without passion? Back when I was in… read more
Russell Brand Is A Social Genius
I’m sure many of you have seen Russel Brand’s expert mockery of both the news media and the anchor’s supposed social skills (see above). Videos of Brand pop up every… read more
5 Things I Learned From Call of Duty
I played a lot of video games growing up; not as much as those weird neck-bearded kids who play WoW, but enough to learn just how much time one can… read more
Into The Wild
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer is, among many things, the retelling and examination of the life of Chris McCandless. McCandless is viewed by some as the embodiment of youthful… read more
How To Date Introverted Girls
One of my favorite types of girls is the bookish introvert. She’s usually mousey, waify, shy, and just a bit socially awkward. Sometimes she’ll look sad and other times she… read more
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