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Western Cancer
Girls Should Just Be Happy
We all encounter those girls who stick in our minds like a bubblegum pop song. You’ll be sitting at a coffee shop reading a good book and without even seeing… read more
How To Control Your Emotional State
We all have our ups and downs. Some days you feel on top of the world, you ooze a sexy masculine confidence that women love whereas other days you couldn’t… read more
The 3 Somatotypes Are Bullshit
Wherever there are dudes discussing lifting there is inevitably the mention of the somatotypes: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Guys will subscribe to the belief that these body types exist and… read more
How To Tame A Clingy Girl
A friend of mine recently met a respectable young lady who, after imbibing extreme amounts of alcohol, whisked him away to his dorm room for love making as the rest… read more
4 Links For Enhanced Mobility
The one thing the average guy can learn from weightlifters is the importance of mobility work. The main takeaway from the whole paleo movement is the emphasis on how sitting… read more
Take A Break From The Manosphere
I’m sure many of you followed the internet drama surrounding Matt Forney’s latest submission about Portland. Judging by the sheer number of comments, many angry words were exchanged, and if you’re anything… read more
Hot Chick Hibernation
Its everyone’s favorite time of year again. Flowers are blooming, the sun is out and birds are singing the beautiful song of spring. Looks Like He’s Caught a ‘Bird’ A… read more
The 6 Commandments Of Masculinity
A recent thread over on the forum made me think of the most important aspects of masculine development. Here is a list of the 6 most important themes from that… read more
The Greatest Adventure
Its the year 2023 and you’re the first human being to set foot on Mars. You and the rest of the Mars One team have been anxiously awaiting this moment… read more
Two Lessons From Porn
Much has been written on the ‘evils’ of porn, from moral objections to psychological effects. Personally I find porn completely drains me of all motivation to talk to girls, or… read more
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