Posts by

William Adams
4 Observations From My Trip To Vietnam
Occasionally I write about East Asia here at ROK, and after having spenth about a month in South Korea, Japan, Vietnam and other locations, I have additional insights and information… read more
Middle-Aged Women From Sweden Pay To Have Sex With Young Male Migrants
The manosphere has, for some time, speculated in regard to females penchant for male migrants and what the causes for this kind of seemingly preposterous pattern of behavior are. Roosh… read more
Israeli Social Justice Monster Wins This Year’s Eurovision Contest
After a numbing three-course meal, in tandem with family members and relatives, I felt lethargic enough to lay down on a big couch and watch the current year’s version of… read more
How To Optimize Your Time
For a couple of years ago I came across Rory Waden’s time management analysis and corresponding lecture. I agreed with some parts, while being critical to other things. Mostly I… read more
Why You Shouldn’t Have Gay Friends
Despite the fact that ROK being a website for masculine heterosexual men, where women and homosexuals are strongly discouraged to comment, butthurt (not just in the literal sense) gay males… read more
7 More Things A Man Must Never Do
PREVIOUSLY: 7 Things A Man Must Never Do It’s incredibly difficult to discern universal moral standards, especially those who are shared by religious and non-religious men alike. Not everyone agrees… read more
Penis Envy Is Out Of Control Among Western Women
In my earlier years as an upper-secondary school teacher, I made some valuable insights about female nature, socialisation of the coming generation, and intersexual dynamics. I also met some interesting… read more
How To Properly Measure Your Overall Level Of Fitness
Physical fitness is often discussed with the aim to create an all-encompassing body program, in conjunction with proper diet, in order to build muscles and become stronger and leaner (although… read more
5 Things I Learned From My Trip To Cyprus
Recently, yours truly and his girlfriend went to Cyprus for five days, largely to escape -10 degrees Celsius (14 F) in Sweden, in favor of approximately 18+ degrees (64 F)… read more
Top 10 Most Superior Ethnic Groups In The World
When people discuss “globalists” or the “elites”, they often seem to refer to individuals and corporations rather than entire countries. This is understandable, since national groups in their entirety should neither be blamed nor… read more
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