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Winston Smith
A Typical Empowered Woman’s Conversation In Any City USA
I posted up at the bar and ordered a whiskey while I waited for my Tinder date to arrive. To my left, I overheard the bartender (girl) and two of… read more
How To Learn A Language And Practice Game At The Same Time
Why would anyone learn a language? Usually we wish to improve ourselves, develop an understanding of a foreign culture and, often most of all, communicate with beautiful women who would otherwise… read more
One Tip You Must Follow To Succeed At Anything
I walked into in the sparsely-adorned weight room and began my warmups. Using the empty bar to practice the best upper body exercise, I thrust the iron into the air enthusiastically… read more
Women Are Responsible For Slut Shaming
At Return of Kings we have often been accused of promoting slut-shaming. But what if, as we here have long known, the lion’s share of distaste for easy women rests… read more
3 Lessons From The Elderly
I am not proud to admit that old people make me uncomfortable. Having to spend time with someone so out-of-touch with our modern world and rapidly hurtling toward death makes… read more
22 Signs He’s A Player
As soon as Tuthmosis dropped “24 Signs She’s A Slut” like an atom bomb on the fem-o-sphere, sluts were set back a decade in their quest to hide their promiscuity…. read more
Game Move: Go Dark
We have written here before about the mental benefits of going off the grid and unplugging for a while. What we haven’t mentioned is that this technique can also be… read more
Female Bias In STEM: A Bayesian Explanation
The New York Times recently ran a long piece exploring the history of women in STEM fields and attempting to explain the ever-present difference between men and women in performance… read more
Feministing Supports Bullying Of 16-Year-Old Girl
Lorde is the stage name for a talented 16-year-old New Zealand singer whose sparse and catchy indie pop has gained her significant notoriety over the last couple of months. She… read more
Fat Woman Sucks At Yoga, Gets Rich Anyway
Trina Hall is a Dallas-based yoga teacher who, judging by her mobilization of support from fat apologists, is also something of an internet marketing genius. Multiple news outlets picked up on her heroic… read more
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