Posts by

Winston Smith
Thank You, American Sororities
Rebecca Martinson is an American patriot. In case you didn’t pay the internet bill last month, she is the young woman who became famous for an email excoriating her fellow… read more
I Will Teach You To Be Rich
I guess common sense isn’t so common. In “I Will Teach You To Be Rich,” Ramit Sethi shares anecdote upon anecdote about people falling into horrible credit card debt keeping… read more
Summer Festival Guide
If you’re a music fan you’re likely checking out a festival this summer season. Here are a few tips to get the most out of your experience: Logistics Many festivals… read more
How To Cook Four Delicious Entrées
Three years ago I could barely microwave a burrito, but today I routinely cook full meals with tasty meat-based entrées. Assuming you have some basic kitchen essentials, these four meals will minimize… read more
Surely You’re Joking
I just finished a book full of game advice, written by a keen social observer passionate about sharing his knowledge with others. The author raves about his travels in Brazil,… read more
Everything Is Transactional
Media and culture tell us that altruism is a high virtue. Using our precious time, money, and energy to benefit others without expectation of return is encouraged and praised in… read more
Why Do You Care About The News?
I recently encountered a paper by Swiss entrepreneur Rolf Dobelli that advocates for completely cutting the consumption of news out of our lives. “Out of the approximately 10,000 news stories… read more
4 Things I Learned From Don Draper
The concepts of “alpha” and “beta” often inspire significant debate, but it’s clear that Mad Men’s main character Don Draper is one of the great alpha television characters of today,… read more
Stop Watching Sports
I live in an area of the country where people are absolutely obsessed with college and pro football. This is the typical weekend schedule for 70% my city during the… read more
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
Ayn Rand is a philosopher and writer best known for her fictional works Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, in which unlikely protagonists embodying individualism and rationality triumph over the evil… read more
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