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Winston Smith
Modern Marriage Is Rent Seeking Hell
Before the media created the idea of marriage as an emotionally-driven commitment, it was a simple economic transaction. A man exchanged his financial provisioning and physical protection for a female’s… read more
Monsanto Ruins American Bodies
Monsanto is an American biotech/agribusiness company that is responsible for the promotion of genetically modified crops (GMOs) and our country’s reliance on corn as a major staple of its food… read more
Red Pill Wisdom From Patrice O’Neal
It was Oscar Wilde who famously said “If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh. Otherwise they’ll kill you.” Gone too soon from this world, Patrice O’Neal comes… read more
How I Beat Social Anxiety
It was shaping up to be a great evening. I had tickets to see a concert with my girlfriend and my best friend, a welcome upgrade from the usual college… read more
5 Things I Learned About Life From Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a grappling sport that focuses on takedowns, ground fighting, and self-defense designed to subdue a stronger opponent. Most current jiu-jitsu originates from the Gracie family, several of whom… read more
Why You Should Become a Minimalist
The most abused word in the English language is “need.” If you’re reading this post, I contend there is little that you actually “need” beyond what you currently possess. You have… read more
The Four-Way Test
When I graduated from high school I received a scholarship from my town’s Rotary Club for my academic and extracurricular achievements. The club would occasionally invite me back to their… read more
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