I didn’t notice until recently that grerp had written her own take on Kate Bolick’s Atlantic piece titled Piece of Advice #97: Look farther into the future:
The problem with this whole thesis is that while being permanently single may be a fulfilling and rich way for women like Bolick to lead their lives, it doesn’t work as well for women who are 1) dumber, 2) poorer, 3) less intrepid/independent or 4) not possessed of generous friends of significant means. And it works really badly for women who want to raise healthy, well adjusted, non-poverty stricken children. The fact is, most women aren’t very much like Bolick at all – which is why most women want to get married, because subconsciously they know, despite all the feminist propaganda that portrays marriage as a one-way trap to stifling, abused servitude, that marriage is a good deal for women. Women are smaller, weaker, more risk averse, more comfort seeking, and are rarely the kind of trail-blazing, money-making geniuses who can sit alone atop a heap of money and adulation.
This is just a teaser. Check out her entire post for her usual outstanding work.
I also noticed a bit late that our very own Anacaona has written a guest post at Hooking Up Smart titled Eve’s Illness, or alternatively How to Alleviate Suffering From Female Hypergamy.
The old saying “I can do better” is practically taught since birth to women as a way to empower them: you can have a better job, a better car, a better home and better, better, better… The problem is that modern society doesn’t say to women that they could also “do a lot worse” and more often than not they have no idea how to change a pattern that keeps taking them to the same failed place. Sadly, many do not realize their self-destructive choices until it is too late.
Eve is whispering in your ear, telling you to look for the “better” man. But what is better in terms of mating? The tallest one, the handsomest one, the one that seems confident and strong? This is where Eve is still eating the forbidden fruit.
You think you know everything you need to know but you don’t understand your own desires, and so cannot guard against them.
Whispers? You don’t say! Again, this is just a teaser. See the full post for more excellent insight from Anacaona.
Our latest installment of what is wrong with teh men touched on the topic of men falling behind in college degrees. This is of course not a new theme, and Captain Capitalism was curious about this several years ago (2006). He did his own research and not surprisingly found that while women outnumber men in the total number of degrees earned, if you look at the most difficult (and valuable) majors men still have the lead. Check out his full post for the charty goodness. Feminists have packed universities with additional women who are largely getting low (or no) value degrees. I would suggest watching out for those student loans men when looking for a wife.
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