If you can’t quite place the name, Betty Friedan is credited with launching the second wave of feminism with her 1963 book The Feminine Mystique. She was a co-founder of NOW and the organization’s first president.
The following section from Wikipedia caught my attention (emphasis mine):
The couple divorced in May 1969. Betty claimed in her memoir, Life So Far (2000), that Carl had beaten her during their marriage; friends such as Dolores Alexander recalled having to cover up black eyes from Carl’s abuse in time for press conferences (Brownmiller 1999, p. 70). Carl Friedan denied abusing her in an interview with Time magazine shortly after the book was published, describing the claim as a “complete fabrication”.[49] She later said, on Good Morning America, “I almost wish I hadn’t even written about it, because it’s been sensationalized out of context. My husband was not a wife-beater, and I was no passive victim of a wife-beater. We fought a lot, and he was bigger than me.“
Wasn’t this Paul Elam’s fundamental point in his debate on domestic violence with manboobz?
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