Biblical vs Churchian Sex in Marriage (and why Christians need Game)

Rollo from Rational Male found the youtube series by Pastor Craig Groeschel of and was kind enough to bring it to my attention.  I haven’t looked at the whole series, but I found the one below especially interesting.  While his style is distracting, when he is sticking to the script (the Bible) his description of sex in marriage is very good.  As he points out, biblical sex in marriage is described using powerful animal imagery.  He doesn’t suffer from Mohler’s disease of believing that marital sex is made moral by the wife assuming control and making it “romantic”.  His translation of the original Hebrew of Proverbs 5:18-19 at 2 min 9 seconds makes this clear.  But then he goes off (biblical) script, and gives truly painful but standard bad advice for husbands on how to seduce their wives straight from the Book of Oprah:

Let me give you some advice about this, because I believe that one of the best things you can do for your marriage is have some physical and intimate fun.  So let me give some advice to the men and to the women.

Men, first of all, work on your approach.  Vary your approach.  Get creative in your approach.  Be tender in your approach.  Quit just doing the same approach every day:

Hey!  You want some of this don’t you!  I know you do!  Check this out!

Don’t get out of the shower walking around like [strutting].  Wooork on your approaaaach!  Romance, conversation, bring a gift home, listen, rub her feet…

He then chastises husbands for sexualizing ordinary situations:

Wife:  Can you make me a bowl of cereal?

Husband:  Sure thing I’ll make you a bowl of cereal!  Give me a spoon and I’ll stir you up!

Wife:  We’ve got to get the oil changed.

Husband:  I’ll change your oil!

The poor husbands don’t stand a chance, and the pastor has no idea what he is doing to them.



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