Message heard.
I’ve been deeply moved and humbled by the overwhelming response to my post announcing that I planned on shutting down the blog. I’ve reconsidered and decided* to leave the blog… read more
Farewell (for now at least), and thank you.
As you have no doubt noticed, it has been several weeks since I have last posted, and over a month if you don’t count the Merry Christmas post. I’ve decided… read more
Fake news: Women over 65 are in the SMP power position.
The Globe and Mail has a feminist boiler plate article up implying that women over 65 are in the SMP power position: The new reality of dating over 65: Men want… read more
Pity the wife who doesn’t yearn to please her husband.
A number of conservative bloggers are terribly disturbed by an ad that shows a wife who wants to please her husband. Stephen Kruiser wrote in his post titled Cops Should… read more
Humorless scolds.
Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems. — Dalrock’s Law of Feminism… read more
Lancelot’s bowtie.
A very common lament about conservatives, or if you prefer “cuckservatives”, is their uncanny knack for finding a way to “lose with honor” no matter how strong their position might… read more
Pictures of chivalry.
Rollo and Fabius Maximus both have new posts up with disturbing images. Check out Rollo’s post Unconscious Contempt, and Fabius Maximus’ post Women are driving America into the future. As… read more
You say Jesus, they think Lancelot.
Commenter Robert gives an example of how modern Christians can’t conceive of Christianity separate from what we call chivalry (courtly love): I’m not clued up on chivalry, but Jesus loving… read more
Confusing history with literature.
One of Vox Day’s readers argued: As Dalrock has explained, all that cultural bomb-throwers have to do is to borrow from the Satanic inversion that is chivalry, that puts women… read more
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