2018 Median Age of Marriage
The US Census has released the median age of marriage stats for 2018. Here is the data for the last 19 years in table form (source has data back to… read more
Our family policy is designed to terrify married fathers.
While the claim is that our family courts are primarily driven by the best interest of children, in reality they tend to focus instead on transferring power and wealth from… read more
You’ll have to buy a few dinners on the road to finding your 53 year old dream girl.
As 53 year old never married Wendy Griffith explains in her book on how to find a husband, it is important for women to only date men who are willing… read more
Pushing Rubber Downhill
A few weeks back I noted that fellow men’s sphere blogger Adam Piggott’s wife caught the discontentment bug and declared their marriage to be over. Adam’s tagline is Gentleman Adventurer,… read more
A marriage isn’t a military unit.
Commenter Warthog wrote that I have missed Pastor Doug Wilson’s point when he claimed that a husband is like a captain of a ship, and therefore “the man is completely… read more
Sure his theology is bad, but he has great taste in TV!
In my recent post An invitation to Pastor Wilson’s defenders I challenged Wilson’s defenders to do any of the following: Point out any instances where I criticized Wilson without providing… read more
Every woman’s battle.
Lori Alexander warns wives in her excellent post Discontentment is a Marriage Killer: Eve stopped being thankful for the position that God put her into in the garden and seeds of… read more
Fabius Maximus looks at post marriage America.
Larry Kummer at Fabius Maximus further explores the trend I described here in Becoming a post-marriage America: see the stories! Check out the excellent discussion at the bottom of Larry’s post as… read more
Don’t confuse entertainment with history.
In the 1999 movie Galaxy Quest aliens come to earth seeking the actors from a Sci Fi TV series to lead them to victory against their enemies. They had watched… read more
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare
I stumbled across this shirt at Ranger Up the other day, and it struck me that the men we are most likely to associate with modern day knights, SEALs, SAS,… read more
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