Return of Kings
Return Of Kings Is Going On Hiatus
After six years of continuous operation and 5,800 articles published, I’m putting ROK on an indefinite hiatus so I can take a break from the daily grind of maintaining the… read more
How To Conquer Writer’s Block
If you’ve stared at a blank document and the words weren’t flowing, you’re not alone. Mark Twain sometimes had that experience in front of a typewriter, and Geoffrey Chaucer with… read more
2 Signs To Identify A Liberal In Disguise
What is a liberal? What is a conservative? Many will have different words to describe these terms, and often conflating them with Democrat or Republican. A conservative does not have… read more
Comfort Will Not Give You Meaning In Life
The following article was originally published on Roosh V. Many people plan their lives around the pursuit of comfort. Whether it comes to work, relationships, or day-to-day living, all decisions… read more
The Devolution Of The West Can Be Seen Through Popular Sports
I am not interested in football, neither the American distortion of rugby nor soccer. Unsurprisingly, this can leave one ostracised from many conversations in the workplace and other modern, bourgeois… read more
If You Hate the Patriarchy, Give Us Back Our Electricity
“Down with the Patriarchy!” shouts a blue-haired, non-binary, non-gender conforming thing at the top of its shrill lungs. Has the world gone mad? Has the apocalypse finally come? What is… read more
4 Weird Signs That You Have High Testosterone
Bigger muscles, fat-loss, and a heightened sex drive are probably the first things that come to mind when you think of testosterone. But did you know that your testosterone also… read more
5 Types Of Women Who Should Quit Acting Like They’re Supermodels
Charming young ladies are undeniably alluring. Even those who aren’t quite top-shelf certainly can get lots of attention. Those who have good character are a treasure. For others, unfortunately, it… read more
Advice On Giving Advice To People
Giving advice to people is a challenge at times. Instead of being grateful for your advice, some people spit in your face, and call you some names. What gives? Say… read more
How To Fight Feminist Organizations Such As “Muslims For Progressive Values”
An apparent liberal Muslim named Ani Zonneveld has been making headlines due to her fight against the patriarchy. Now, isn’t this sounding familiar? She operates a website called Muslims For… read more
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