Return of Kings
Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters Urges Liberals To Attack Anyone Who Works For Donald Trump
Via Breitbart: Saturday on MSNBC, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) suggested people harassing, and protesting members of the administration of President Donald Trump at stores, restaurants, and gas stations was the… read more
Arab Spinster Crisis Proves Toxicity Of Female Empowerment Is Worldwide
Arab governments are growing increasingly concerned with the marital (or lack thereof) trends in their nations. Threatening to change the fabric of their societies, as well as their gene pool…. read more
10 Attractive Teachers Who Had Sex With Their Teenage Students
Compared to just 30 years ago, so much of what we expected from men and women has reversed. Men used to be the ones spending extra hours at work trying… read more
Flipping The Script On Feminist Buzzwords Reveals How Ridiculous They Are
Feminists love using newly-invented buzzwords to push their narratives. Often they grossly exaggerate real problems, or even gripe about nothing. Their absurd framing tactics would be laughable if they weren’t… read more
Shocking: “Body Positive” Models Are Normalizing Obesity And Making The Problem Worse
Via Daily Mail: Plus-size clothing ranges and models such as Ashley Graham may be normalising obesity, it has been warned, as growing numbers of people fail to realise they are… read more
Homosexuals Are Getting Angry That So Many Straight People Are Attending Their Pride Events
Via USA Today: Paul Ellis has seen a lot of gay pride parades. He marched in Pittsburgh’s first one in 1973 with just 40 other people, flanked on either side by… read more
Do You Believe In A Politically Incorrect “Phobia”?
Adding a “-phobia” suffix to a group’s name creates a new word shielding them from criticism. Those are anti-concepts, empty terminology useful only to delegitimize real concepts. Pointing out a… read more
Fat Does Not Make You Fat
The modern American diet continues to obsess about “low-fat” and “low-calorie” foods. The immediate connotation of fat and calories is obesity. But what these words really mean (fats = lipids and calories = energy) is… read more
Leftist Actor Peter Fonda Wishes For Barron Trump To Be Caged With Pedophiles
Via Daily Caller: The Office of the First Lady has notified the Secret Service after actor Peter Fonda called for kidnapping Melania and Donald Trump’s son, Barron, The Daily Caller… read more
The June 2018 Happy Hour In Washington D.C. Was A Huge Success
On Saturday I drove to the nearest Metro station two hours before the 8pm scheduled start of my first happy hour in two years. While waiting for a train to… read more
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